Getting Involved in Extracurriculars - Quarantine


By Rishi Ghorad, 2020-2021 SCS Advising Leader:

College is all about the opportunities and activities that are made possible on campus. However, our current global pandemic is changing the way RSOs are organized and held. Although there are clubs that are on hiatus or cannot operate normally due to the social distancing regulations, there are still organizations that are able to meet or form some plan around this. However, it’s becoming growingly apparent that not many people are able to get in touch with or stick to being a part of a club. Part of that deals with the difficulty of being able to find out and get involved, and the other issue is the seeming lack of reward in being a part of a club.

Although it seems to be difficult for new students to be able to participate in RSOs, more likely than not, it is possible to contact club advisors or leaders to learn more. There are a few opportunities that are closed off, but that doesn’t mean that every option is gone. Don’t be afraid to reach out to advisors, professors, teacher assistants, or even upperclassmen. They are sure to let you know what is going on or put you in touch with someone who can help. Being able to network outside of academics and spread your roots is still possible during a quarantine school year.

Of course, as I mentioned, there are some clubs that seem less rewarding or interesting due to the inability for certain activities to be possible. However, getting to know the people in the group is a big opportunity, and opens up more comfort and appreciation toward the RSO as well. It can be very helpful to establish yourself among peers and upperclassmen, especially as a new student.

Despite how this year might seem like a lack of activity, there are still lots to do, and much that will soon be possible as we slowly begin to open up/adjust to current life. Then when work really gets rolling, it will be much easier to get into the groove with the people you have gotten to know. This is why attending social Zoom calls or informational meetings is still valuable since information and preparedness have become all the more important in the current world.

I hope that this gives a push toward the positive direction in getting involved with organizations even with current social restrictions and guidelines. It is always beneficial to supplement your college education with activities and opportunities, regardless of year or location.