the Illini Career and Internship Fair is happening this Thursday, April 1st from 10:00 am – 4:00 pm CT on Handshake.
They are currently up to 67 registered employers. Students will have the opportunity to connect with employers via Handshake through individual and one-on-one...
The Virtual Graduate, Professional, & Law Fair is TOMORROW, October 15th. Students and alumni may still register through tomorrow.
The Fair is from 9 AM-6PM, with designated Law School Fair hours from 10 AM-2 PM. Students may come and go throughout the day...
Résumé Reviews (Monday-Friday, August 31st – September 4th, 1:30 PM – 4:30 PM CDT)
Join Patricia and Jennifer for virtual résumé reviews every day from 1:30 PM – 4:30 PM (first come, first served basis)
Zoom Link:...
Student registration for the Fall 2020 Virtual Career Fair is NOW OPEN. Current Illinois students and Illinois alumni are invited to create an account and upload their résumés before the fair. Get started here.