SCS Computing, also known as CANS (Computing Applications and Network Support), is an interdepartmental facility operated under the School of Chemical Sciences. Its goal is to provide the hardware, software, and personnel resources to support the research and administrative needs of the School of Chemical Sciences, the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering and the Department of Chemistry.  SCS Computing offices are located along the south east corridor of the first floor of Noyes Laboratory, and on the 3rd floor of Noyes Lab.  

     For computer and networking issues, please contact:
     For help with Reaction Issues, please email:

A sampling of the services that SCS Computing provides: 

Computing applications: 

Computing and Network Support 

  • Desktop support (hardware and software) for Windows, Mac, and Linux systems
  • HPC (High Performance Computing) support for the SCS Cluster
  • Other IT support for research systems

For more details, please see the links to the left.