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Gilman International Scholarships Events

Are you interested in study abroad, but concerned about the cost? The Gilman International...

Intercultural Learning Opportunities

Intercultural Spotlights Intercultural Spotlights offer insight into the lives of international students, scholars, faculty/staff and their families with whom we learn and work at the University of Illinois. Panelists will share their personal stories about life, education, and careers...

Celebrate International Week

I would like to personally invite you to Celebrate International Week at Illinois from October 19-25, 2020. We will be hosting a very special virtual opportunity for intercultural engagement on campus...

ISSS Upcoming Events


Wake Up With ISSS

Join ISSS (International Student & Scholar Services) every Monday this summer starting June 1st for Wake Up With ISSS. Nick from ISSS will host this weekly Zoom Chat/Variety Hour focusing on starting the week out on a positive and productive note. We’ll mostly just socialize and check up on one...
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