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Enhance Your Leadership Skills

By Milena Nutrobkina, Chemical Engineering, 2020-2021 SCS Student Advising Leader: Are you a member of a registered student organization and would like to be part of the committee? Or do you want to become more confident when presenting yourself to others? Or you are committed to...

Enhance Your Leadership Skills

By Milena Nutrobkina, Chemical Engineering, 2020-2021 SCS Student Advising Leader: Are you a member of a registered student organization and would like to be part of the committee? Or do you want to become more confident when presenting yourself to others? Or you are committed to...

iSEE Launches Environmental Leadership Program; 2 Pilot Workshops Scheduled for Spring 2021 Semester

Urbana, Ill. — The Environmental Leadership Program (ELP) is a new initiative launched this spring by the Institute for Sustainability, Energy, and Environment (iSEE). Targeted at undergraduate students, the Program will include...
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