Employer’s Hierarchy of Needs

The graduation gates are about to be thrown open and a large throng of interns and new employees unleashed on the world. It’s time to ask the question, “What is it employers want?”

If employers had a Hierarchy of Needs like Maslow’s Hierarchy, it might look like this:

Shows Up
At its base, employers want an employee who shows up. That’s a low bar, but what’s amazing is the number who don’t clear it. This means be on time and don’t cut out early.

Gets Along / No Drama
The next level would be an employee who gets along with others and does not cause drama. So much work today involves teams. That means no gossiping, back-biting or jealous backlash.

Shows Interest / Loyalty
Next up, an employee who is loyal and takes an interest in the organization. This person cares about the quality of the products or services. When the going gets tough, this employee will stick by the organization and his or her boss.

Problem Solver / Curious
One more level up, is an employee who is a problem solver and intellectually curious. When asked a question, this employee does not shrug, “I dunno,” or “That’s not in my job description.” But instead says, “I don’t know but I will find out and get back to you today.”

Strategic Thinker
At the top of the hierarchy, is an employee is who is a strategic thinker who sees all the moving parts of the organization and its stakeholders. This person always asks, “How can we do this better?” and looks to future opportunities, as well as market shifts. This person is management material.

Mystery solved. That’s what employers want. Unbar the gates, grab your coffee and holster that cell phone. Your new adventures are just beginning.

Now in Bulk Prices: My new book, The Exceptional Professional: What You Need to Know to Grow Your Career, is a great gift for your interns, sales team or all your employees. For bulk pricing deals, please contact: cgould@cultureandmanners.com

Or for individual copies, find it on Amazon.com
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