The Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program. Approximately 15 slots are available for the 2021 summer at Washington University in St. Louis and the University of Pennsylvania.
Our center has NSF funding to support a cohort of students to conduct mentored independent research projects in the field of mechanobiology during a ten-week immersive program. In addition to their laboratory research, participants will attend field trips, enjoy learning sessions that address research and professional development topics, sit in on center-wide working group meetings, and learn to present their research. Participants will be provided with a competitive stipend, housing for the summer, relocation funds, and the opportunity to request additional travel funds to present their research at a national scientific meeting.
The application window opens November 1st, 2020 for the Undergraduates Expanding Boundaries summer research program.
Sign up for Information Sessions available on October 28, November 12, November 20.
Please feel free to contact Ms. Patricia Widder (WUSTL) at pwidder@seas.wustl.edu or Dr. Annie Jeong (PENN) at annjeong@seas.upenn.edu with additional questions.