If you are looking for a 2nd 8-week course, the Kinesiology department would like for you to consider these options. Additional information including course descriptions can be found at the Course Schedule.
KIN 100 section B7 and B8 Developmental Activities Walking & Movement Wellness (CRN 71573)
Credit: 1 hour, In-person Laboratory 11-12:20 TR ARR Freer Hall
KIN 122 Physical Activity and Health (CRN 59549)
Credit: 3 hours, Online asynchronous
KIN 142 Contemporary Issues in Sport (CRN 69297)
Credit: 3 hours, Online asynchronous
KIN 199 Brain Injury Treatment (CRN 66176)
Credit: 3 hours, Online Synchronous, 3-5:20 PM TR
KIN 199 Disability in Popular Culture (CRN 66161)
Credit: 2 hours, Online asynchronous
KIN 199 Medical Terminology (CRN 42977)
Credit: 3 hours, Online asynchronous
KIN 199 Stress Management (CRN 40504)
Credit: 2 hours, Online asynchronous
KIN 247 Intro to Sport Psychology (CRN 56184)
Credit: 3 hours, Online asynchronous
KIN 249 Sport & Modern Society (CRN 56186)
Credit: 3 hours, Online asynchronous, Social Science gen ed
KIN 401 Measure & Eval in Kinesiology (CRN 56192)
Credit: 3 or 4 hours, Online asynchronous, QR2 gen ed