This is a notice that we are currently accepting applications for undergraduate TAs in chemistry labs, discussions, and the Merit Program for the Fall 2021 semester. Openings are available in general chemistry lab, discussion, and Merit courses, as well as inorganic chemistry Merit program discussion sections. To be able to teach, students need to have completed organic chemistry I (Chem 232) or equivalent.
We are looking for students who have had positive experiences in their chemistry courses thus far who are looking to share their enthusiasm and knowledge with freshman and sophomore students. TAs can expect to improve their leadership, communication, and teaching skills and to gain experience relevant for careers in education, medical school, and graduate school in chemistry or related fields. New TAs will be trained before the semester starts and mentored throughout their first semester.
Anyone interested can apply here by Tuesday, June 1, and will tentatively hear about their application status by the end of July. The TA application includes both providing a Fall 2021 class schedule, an unofficial academic history, and contact information for two references who will be sent short reference forms to complete. I am available via Zoom or by email at to answer any questions about the TA experience.