Office of Minority Student Affairs (OMSA) Scholarship Contest Applications are open and run through October 17. This is a wonderful opportunity that will benefit many students, please apply if you are eligible for any criteria. See this website more information and to apply.



The Clarence Shelley Student Success Scholarship and Greta Hogan Student Persistence Scholarship

The Clarence Shelley Scholarship Fund was established in 2010 by fabled educator, administrator, and founding director of the Office of Minority Student Affairs, Clarence Shelley. This endowed scholarship provides support for undergraduates whose family income is less than the Federal Poverty Level with competitive preferences for African Americans and OMSA participants.

The Greta Hogan Student Persistence Scholarhip, soon to be endowed, was created in 2018 to honor the rich legacy of support that Greta Hogan provided generations of OMSA students during her distinguished tenure at Illinois. To be eligible for this award students must demonstrate need, be in good academic standing, and participate in OMSA activities.

Consideration for both of these scholarships is given to students who are in good standing, participate in OMSA activities, and demonstrate need. In a brief, compelling essay, please share why you should receive one of these scholarships and how it would benefit your educational journey (350 words maximum).

The H.O.P.E. Scholarship

The H.O.P.E. Scholarship endowment was created in 2001 by Jacquelyn Hayes in memory of her parents, Reginald and Frances Hayes. Mindful of the value her parents placed on education, the H.O.P.E. scholarship represents "Helping Others Prosper through Education." Ms. Hayes earned both a bachelor's in Business and MBA at Illinois.

This fund was intended to support minority, undergraduates with a sophomore, junior, or senior standing; a 3.2 minimum cumulative GPA; and who use OMSA's services and participate in their activities. Please share how your use of OMSA services has given you H.O.P.E. to prosper in your future endeavors? (350 words maximum)

The Officer Diane and Ann Moore Scholarship

Diane Moore is a Chicago Police Officer that places a high premium on education as a means to breaking societal barriers. Officer Moore believes that if children receive a quality education they can combat social injustices; her passion for justice and equitable education was instilled in her by her mother Ann Moore. The scholarship, which bears both of their names, represents their value for education despite Ann Moore not finishing her formal schooling because of sharecropping.The Office of Minority Student Affairs is committed to providing students from underrepresented populations with the best resources to complete college which aligns with the passion and legacy left by Ann Moore and demonstrated by Officer Moore. To the recipients of this award, we commend your efforts and tenacity to succeed amidst all the challenges which prevail.

Consideration is given to students who have participated in OMSA services and who received a 3.25 GPA in the Fall 2020 or Spring 2021 semester. 

Applicants for this award must write a short essay (350 words maximum) addressing the following question: "How will my education add value to the world, my community, my family and future generations?"

The Michael L. Jeffries & Gayle Jeffries and Friends OMSA High Achievement Scholarship

This endowed scholarship was created in 2013 by Michael Jeffries, former Associate Dean of Students and OMSA Director, to be provided annually to students served by OMSA.

 To be eligible, students must have a 3.0 minimum, cumulative GPA and have demonstrated an interest in pursuing studies in graduate school or professional school. The primary focus will be on students from Chicago Public Schools who are participants in OMSA activities. 

Applicants for this award must write a short essay (maximum 350 words) addressing the following questions. How have you utilized services provided by  OMSA during your time at Illinois? Additionally, how have you demonstrated an interest in pursuing graduate studies or professional school?