Grainger Engineering's Scholarships for Continuing Students application is now open. The available scholarships are for the academic year Fall 2022 and Spring 2023.
The application can be found here.
The deadline is 5:00 PM on March 7, 2022, Central Time.
Eligibility - Engineering undergraduates with at least one semester of grades received in engineering at the University of Illinois. Students should not be graduating in May or summer 2022. Scholarships are for the next academic year (Fall 22-Spring 23).
Qualifications - Scholarships for engineering undergraduate students are merit-based, however, elite candidates also demonstrate engagement in the engineering community.
Application Process - Engineering undergraduates will fill out one application to be considered for all qualifying scholarships available. Engineering undergraduates shall provide a resume and two recommendations - at least one from a University of Illinois faculty member or advisor.
Any questions please use this email.