Snack Bite: Pre-PA-Hear from the Pre-PA Ambassadors as they discuss their path to prepare for PA school. 

September 29 at 6 pm

The Career Center, Rm 143


Snack Bite: Pre-PT & Pre-OT- Learn about Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy at this virtual session. Hear from a UIUC alum and current DPT student on how they prepared to be a competitive applicant. 

September 29 at 6 pm


Passcode: 133532


Snack Bite: Pre-Med- Join the Pre-Health Ambassadors to learn about their experiences as they prepare to be competitive applicants for medical school.

October 3 at 4 pm

The Career Center, Rm 143


Snack Bite: Pre-Pharmacy- Thinking about Pharmacy? Attend this virtual session to hear from the Pre-Pharmacy Ambassador about the field of pharmacy, required coursework, experiences, resources and more!

October 3 at 7 pm


Passcode: 654387


St. George's University MD Info SessionA representative from St. George's University MD program will be on campus to discuss their admission process and answer any questions students have about their program.

Register at for us to gain a headcount for pizza and dietary restrictions.

October 4 at 4 pm

The Career Center, Rm 143


MCAT Prep- The Pre-Health Ambassadors will review resources for the MCAT. What worked for them, what didn’t. Come with questions about what to expect on test day!

October 10 at 5 pm

CIF 2018


Carle Illinois College of Medicine Info Session- Learn more about Carle Illinois College of Medicine at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign! We will discuss our unique MD curriculum, admissions, and the kind of innovative students that are successful here. 

October 11 at noon



Rush Medical College Info Session- Rush Medical College will be visiting campus for students to learn about their admission requirements, plus hear from current RMC students/Illinois alumni.

October 18 at 5 pm

Burrill Hall 124


Graduate & Professional School Fair- Chat with representatives from various health profession programs at our annual G&P Fair! The following fields will be represented: Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy, PT, OT, PA, Nursing, Optometry, Public Health, Health Administration, Social Work and more! Watch for more info regarding specific schools/programs. (This is a free event for students and alumni and casual dress.) 

October 19, noon-4 pm

Illini Union