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Academic Success Tips

By Emma Bergmann, SCS Advising Leader 

We are officially into the thick of fall semester, and I would be lying if I said I feel 100% on top of everything and free of stress. A string of midterms, projects, and meetings can make the week feel daunting and overwhelming at times. While performing well in classes is extremely important, it is also critical to take time for yourself and be able to enjoy life outside of school. In my time at Illinois, I have found that the key to my academic success lies not only in studying, but also in prioritizing my mental health and the other aspects of life that bring me joy.

As such, I have decided to compile a list of my four most essential habits that help me to be a well-rounded individual. These practices make me feel grounded and I am a true lover of routine so maintaining these ensures that I feel balanced. Being in a good place mentally leads to greater confidence and a sense of capability that will take you far in classes and the rest of your life!

Exercising Daily

I know everyone tells you that you are supposed to exercise everyday, but this is truly essential for me. Exercise does not have to be an hour on the elliptical or forcing yourself to lift weights at the ARC. It could be walking, yoga, or a group fitness class too (I love Zumba!)  I personally love to run and am a member of the Cross-Country Club. Each day we run together as a team, and it is a great way to not only destress but also socialize. Regardless of your chosen activity, exercise will make you feel better and more productive.

Eating and Sleeping in Abundance

This one is again easier said than done but could not be more important! You simply will not perform at your best if you are sleep deprived or under-fueled. Both food and rest are essential for not just physiological regeneration but also brain function and memory retention. Eating a balanced diet helps with cognitive performance and improves focus. Plus, sharing a meal with friends is a great way to destress after a long day. I love to cook and try to make time each day to prepare a nourishing dinner while listening to music and enjoying myself!

List Making

For me, there is nothing more satisfying than crossing an item off my to do list. Even better is ending the day with a fully checked off list! Making to-do lists has been a game changer for me in college. I like to write all my goals for the week at the beginning so I can visually see all the assignments, exams, etc. that I have on deck. I also include other tasks like laundry, cleaning, and errands which help me stay organized and feeling productive. Even if I don’t get through a specific item in a day, it is still helpful to see what I want to accomplish in the week. I often put regular tasks that I complete everyday no matter what (showering, dishes, running) because I feel gratified by seeing all the little things I have gotten through!


This is another one that can be tricky to believe in or see the benefits from without consistently incorporating it. By mindfulness, I mean having awareness of your thoughts and emotions but not letting them consume you. Additionally, I think it is important to express gratitude each day for all the aspects of life that we take for granted. Whether that be our access to an excellent education, food in our bellies, or our loved ones, there is so much to appreciate! Having this ability to focus on positivity has enabled me to improve my outlook on classes and exams. Knowing that everything will be okay and there is so much to be grateful for helps me to be present in the movement and take advantage of each day.

Several studies have shown a correlation between academic success and the above practices. For us to reach our academic, professional, and personal goals, it is important for us to remember to take care of ourselves and continue to have a positive outlook.