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Undergraduate Research – What It Is and How to Get Involved

By Mira Bhimani, SCS Advising Leader  Do you want to discover a catalyst or anti-cancer drug, develop new kinds of materials or instrumental techniques, or study the behavior of matter at any length scale from small molecules to large proteins and entire cells? Undergraduate research is an opportunity for undergraduates to join a professor’s research group on campus. This is a great opportunity to apply classroom knowledge to help solve problems in the world and understand the actual applications of each principle learned in class. Research can be...

Everyday Engineering: Valentine’s Day

By Katie Southon SCS Advising Leader:  The heart, a classic symbol of Valentine’s Day. It’s impossible to look around during February and not see colorful pink and red hearts decorating every available surface, which got me thinking: how does this relate to chemical engineering? Chemical engineering can relate to almost every aspect of our everyday lives, and hearts are no exception. The heart is a muscle that pumps blood through the body using contractions that force the blood through the circulatory system. Just like how chemical engineers can calculate the...
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