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course restrictions

CHBE Course Restrictions Spring 2021

Registration in CHBE 430 or 431 Courses for Spring 2021 Owing to strong demand and maintaining safe learning conditions, there will be limits placed on enrollment in CHBE 430 and 431. CHBE 430 and 431 are restricted to majors in CHBE. CHBE 422 must be completed and passed ...

Spring 2021 CHEM Restrictions

SPRING 2021 CHEMISTRY COURSE RESTRICTIONS Please see the information below to learn when restricted courses will open to non-majors. The department will not provide overrides for these courses before the restrictions are lifted. Restricted to majors only until ~10 am on Thursday, December 10:...

Spring 2021 Course Restrictions and Waitlists

Below is course restriction and waitlist information on commonly taken courses by SCS Students. CHBE- Chemical Engineering (CHBE 430 and 431) CHBE course restrictions (for non-CHBE majors) should be lifted...

MCB Course Restrictions Spring 2021

MCB Course Restrictions and Waitlists for SP21 Registration (Commonly Enrolled courses by SCS are in bold.) MCB 101 – registration is restricted until December 10 ~ 8:40am.  Students can add their name to the online waitlist at...
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