Registration in CHBE 430 or 431 Courses for Spring 2021
Owing to strong demand and maintaining safe learning conditions, there will be limits placed on enrollment in CHBE 430 and 431. CHBE 430 and 431 are restricted to majors in CHBE. CHBE 422 must be completed and passed prior to taking CHBE 430 or 431.
Students graduating Spring 2021: The Department will guarantee a place in 430 or 431 for Spring 2021 for all graduating seniors, however, we cannot guarantee which day your 430 lab section will take place.
Students graduating Fall 2021: Students who are planning to graduate Fall 2021 will be guaranteed a place in one of 430 or 431 for spring, and should plan to take the other Fall 2021.
At the beginning of Advanced Enrollment, self-service sign-up for CHBE 430 will be available, and students may select the lab day of their choice from available options. Once the open slots have been taken, self-service sign-up will be closed and will not reopen. The remaining positions will be allocated to students with the highest priority. If you are graduating, we will assign you an individual override for a given lab section. Thus, there is no need for you to constantly check online for availability of seats. It may or may not be possible to assign a lab for non-graduating seniors.
Similarly, a number of positions will be available in CHBE 431 at the beginning of Advanced Enrollment, but after available slots are filled, the self-service sign-up be closed.
Once self-service sign-up is closed, you will need to request a seat in 430 or 431.
To request a seat in either course: Using your @illinois.edu email address, send an email to Dr. Floess (jkfloess@illinois.edu) with the subject CHBE Registration – Spring 2021 and include the following:
a. First and Last Name
b. UIN
c. the course you need
d. your proposed graduation date (Spring 21 or Fall 21)
d. any restrictions on your schedule
Priority preferences will be given to students whose waitlist email is received by 4 pm on Monday, December 14.
The CHBE Advising Committee will review all requests to assure that your graduation plan is feasible and assign students to individual lab days to optimize student preferences. You will be given an override to your assigned section no later than Friday, December 18.