Spring 2021 proficiency exams for MCB lecture courses MCB 150, 250, and 252 will be offered virtually through LON-CAPA on Tuesday, February 2 from 7 PM to 10 PM. The proficiency exam for the MCB 151 lab course will be offered virtually through LON-CAPA on Thursday, February 4 from 7 PM to 10 PM.
All MCB virtual proficiency exams will be proctored via Zoom.
Students may register for any of the proficiency exams using the following request form no later than 12:00 PM on the day of the exam they plan to take. Request forms will be reviewed by the MCB Instructional Program Office, and students will receive a response via email with instructions for logging in to take the exam. Only one MCB Proficiency exam can be taken per day.
Please note, students may not take a proficiency exam if any of the following apply:
- They have taken the proficiency exam for the given course previously.
- They have already completed the course for credit or for a grade.
- They were enrolled in the course and withdrew after the campus drop deadline.
- They have completed more than one course in advance of the course in which the proficiency exam is requested. (This is stated in the Student Code 3-203 (see below)
Additional information regarding proficiency exams appears in Article 3, Part 2, 3-203, Proficiency Examinations, in the Code of Policies and Regulations Applying to All Students.