The next mathematics proficiency exam is Saturday, October 1, 2022, In Person, 9 am-noon, in 314 Altgeld Hall.
Advance registration is required.
Information and the registration link is available...
Spring 2021 proficiency exams for MCB lecture courses MCB 150, 250, and 252 will be offered virtually through LON-CAPA on Tuesday, February 2 from 7 PM to 10 PM. The proficiency exam for the MCB 151 lab course will be offered virtually through LON-CAPA on Thursday, February 4 from 7 PM to 10 PM....
The Chemistry Department is offering proficiency exams online on the following dates. Please see this pdf for instructions on signing up.
-Chemistry 102 (General Chemistry I): Monday, August 17 at 9-11:00 am OR at 1-3:00 pm
-Chemistry 104 (General Chemistry II)*:...
Fall 2020 Proficiency Exams for MCB Courses
Online proficiency exams for MCB 150, MCB 250, and MCB 252 will be offered on Tuesday, September 1 from 7 pm to 10 pm. An online proficiency exam for MCB 151 will be offered on Thursday, September 3 from 7 pm to 10 pm. ...
Computer Science proficiency exams for CS 101, 105, 125, 173, and 225, are going to be conducted online (students need not be on campus) August 17-21. If interested, please see the updated CS proficiency website.