The Chemistry Department is offering proficiency exams online on the following dates. Please see this pdf for instructions on signing up.
-Chemistry 102 (General Chemistry I): Monday, August 17 at 9-11:00 am OR at 1-3:00 pm
-Chemistry 104 (General Chemistry II)*: Wednesday, August 19 from 9-11:00 am OR from 1-3:00 pm
*Students must have earned credit for CHEM 102 or an equivalent already or passed the CHEM 102 proficiency exam in order to take the CHEM 104 exam.
Important registration procedures: Students will need to register for the exams through BOTH PrairieLearn and the CBTF in order to take the proficiency exam. Please share the attached PDF with students for complete instructions on how to register. Registration with PrairieLearn is open now, but students will need to wait until Friday, August 14 to register with CBTF.
A reminder: students who have deferred admission to spring 2021 or fall 2021 are NOT eligible for this round of proficiency exams.
Students who need accommodations should email Carleen Sacris (sacris1@illinois.edu) a copy of their DRES LOA BEFORE they schedule their exam.
All this information will be updated on the following website soon: https://chemistry.illinois.edu/academics/general-chemistry/chemistry-proficiency-exam