• 2020-11-25 - SPRING 2021 CHEMISTRY COURSE RESTRICTIONS Please see the information below to learn when restricted courses will open to non-majors. The department will not provide overrides for these courses before the restrictions are lifted. Restricted to majors only until ~10 am on Thursday, December 10: CHEM 236, Fundamental Organic Chemistry CHEM 237, Structure & Synthesis (lab) CHEM 312, Inorganic...
  • 2020-11-19 - Given restrictions in place on in-person gatherings due to COVID-19, the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences is planning a virtual celebration to recognize the academic achievements of the December 2020 and August 2020 graduates. You will receive a link to a pre-recorded virtual celebration on Friday, December 18. You may view the event on-demand with your family and friends...
  • 2020-11-11 - FRED S. BAILEY SCHOLARSHIP FOR CAUSE DRIVEN LEADERS The Bailey Undergraduate awards are $3000 awards ($1500/semester) given each year to undergraduate students at the University of Illinois who have demonstrated positive impact and commitment as a result of service, community involvement, leadership, and action. Financial need and academic achievement will also be...
  • 2020-11-06 - MCB Course Restrictions and Waitlists for SP21 Registration (Commonly Enrolled courses by SCS are in bold.) MCB 101 – registration is restricted until December 10 ~ 8:40am.  Students can add their name to the online waitlist at https://go.illinois.edu/mcb101_SP21_waitlist which will allow us to...
  • 2020-10-30 - SNACK BITE: PHYSICIAN ASSISTANT November 2 4:00 PM (CT) How can I get patient care experience? What else should I be doing for PA programs? Hear from our Pre-Health Ambassadors and their journey toward PA. Join us on zoom at:...
  • 2020-10-30 - The application is now open for the Cargill Global Scholars Program - a distinctive, 2-year scholarship and enrichment program providing financial support, mentorship, and the unique opportunity for U.S. college students to participate in leadership development seminars, including engaging with fellow Global Scholars from Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, and Russia. Please review the attached...
  • 2020-10-29 - Happy Halloweek Celebrate spooky season with trick or treating and a costume contest on the Main Quad this Thursday. Don't forget your mask, I-Card, Safer Illinois access approval...and a bag for all that candy.
  • 2020-10-26 - Curious about bugs, aquaculture, and COVID-19 in food systems? Attend the 7th Annual One Health Symposium and participate in discussions on current research and issues facing the health of animals, people, plants, and the environment. Register @ https://onehealth.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_8kkQ5gApRM-AhMz4LFpIGQ...
  • 2020-10-26 - Are you a passionate environmentalist? Do you want to devote your career to addressing environmental concerns? The University of Illinois seeks to nominate sophomores and juniors for the prestigious Udall Scholarship. The Udall awards $7,000 to sophomores or juniors who are taking action to address environmental concerns and are committed to a career related to the environment. Please note...
  • 2020-10-23 - Wednesday, October 28 4 pm; Online via Zoom The GRE is required for admission to a variety of health profession programs, plus many graduate programs. Attend this session to learn strategies to prepare for the exam. Zoom: https://go.illinois.edu/GREPrep...
  • 2020-10-23 - Wednesday, October 28 4 pm; Online via Zoom The GRE is required for admission to a variety of health profession programs, plus many graduate programs. Attend this session to learn strategies to prepare for the exam. Zoom: https://go.illinois.edu/GREPrep...
  • 2020-10-23 - The Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program. Approximately 15 slots are available for the 2021 summer at Washington University in St. Louis and the University of Pennsylvania.  Our center has NSF funding to support a cohort of students to conduct mentored independent research projects in the field of mechanobiology during a ten...
  • 2020-10-22 - Registration for January and March exam dates opens on Tuesday, November 10 at noon ET. Please be sure to visit the...
  • 2020-10-22 - Registration for January and March exam dates opens on Tuesday, November 10 at noon ET. Please be sure to visit the...