
Typically, two instruments are available for use.

Bruker 10" EMXPlus X-band Continuous Wave EPREMXPlus

Located in A149 CLSL; available to all users.

This instrument has an Oxford Instruments helium cryostat, ER4119HS high sensitivity cavity, and a E4116000 dual mode cavity.

The EMXPlus is normally set up to do RT/LN2 work. If you are interested in running experiments at liquid helium temperatures you should give advance notice to staff at least a week in advance so we can set up the cryostat. We will also block out time for exclusive use of the helium system and encourage other groups wishing to do liquid helium experiments to run during this time.




Bruker Elexsys1 E-10” E580 series X-band FT EPRElexsys1

Located in A149 CLSL; available to all users.

This instrument has an Oxford Instruments helium cryostat and can be operated in Pulse or Continuous Wave mode. The instrument can be configured for the following experiments:

  • CW or pulsed S-band
  • CW or pulsed X-band including ENDOR capabilities
  • CW or pulsed Q-band including ENDOR capabilities

The helium cryostat is normally installed in the Elexsys1 system and will only be removed under special circumstances. Room temperature data can be collected without the use of liquid helium but if any temperature below room temperature is desired, the helium temperature controller will have to be used.



Users are expected to arrange for all supplies. Quartz EPR tubes can be ordered from Wilmad-LabGlass or purchased in the Chem Storeroom.  Liquid Helium is available by contacting Nikki Duay at