
Self-service Instrument Use (Acknowledgment and Co-Authorship Guidelines)

SCS EPR Lab Financial Authorization Form - This form must be filled out, printed and then signed by both the user and their faculty advisor.

  1. All users must have a signed authorization form with a valid account number on file. Contact Nikki Duay with questions ( The signed form must be dropped off in 146 RAL.
  2. Users operating instruments by themselves must have training and approval prior to use.
  3. All users are responsible for supplies such as liquid helium and EPR tubes.
  4. Food and Beverages are not allowed in the instrument labs.
  5. Safety glasses must be worn when handling samples at cryogenic temperatures.
  6. No open-toe shoes.
  7. If you will not use the instrument after signing up, please cancel as soon as possible. Persons who do not cancel by 9:00 a.m. the day that they run or do not show up will be charged a $25 fee.