VARIAN UNITY INOVA 600NB Specifications

The specifications from the manufacturer's quote are given below.


  1. UNITY INOVA™ 600 NB High-Resolution NMR Console:
    • Two RF channels with observe, pulse, and decouple functions
    • Each RF channel provides computer-controlled phase shifts: 
      90° steps and 0.25° steps and 60-dB computer-controlled linear amplitude modulation in 4096 steps (capability includes waveform generation)
    • 79-dB computer-controlled attenuation in 1 dB steps
    • System amplifiers: 50-W 1H/19F linear amplifier, 300-W broadband linear amplifier
    • Broadband preamplifier with active T/R switch
    • 2H fully automatic adaptive lock with Autolock®, sample and hold
    • High sensitivity, low noise GaAs FET preamplifier for 1H/19F
    • Motorola Acquisition computer, 4-Mbyte memory
    • VxWorks™ real time operating system
    • 12.5-ns resolution pulse sequence controller
    • 16-bit ADC, 500-kHz spectral width, 16-Mbyte dual ported memory
    • Digital filters for up to 500 KHz spectral width
    • Automation of lock, shim, phase, gain, sample spin, and eject/insert
    • Remote Status Module and Pulsed Field Gradient compatible upper barrel
    • Complete set of Varian Manuals and Documentation
    • Samples include: 100% Ethylene Glycol, 100% Methanol, 0.1% Ethyl Benzene, 0.1% CHCl3, Doped D2O, Methyl Iodide and Nitrogen Benzamide
    • Band Pass Filters Include: 1H, 2H, 13C AND 31P
    • 1-Year Warranty; VNMR software Upgrades for 1 Year
  2. 14.1 T 51-mm Bore Oxford Superconducting Magnet:
    • Includes helium and nitrogen probes and level meters
    • Cryostat hold time of 120 days
    • Requires Magnet Kit Part No. 00-958557-02 and Antivibration System Part No. 00-992801-00 (does not include RT shims or shim supply)
  3. Magnet Ship Kit: 
    For 200WB, 300WB, 400NB/WB, 500, and 600 magnets
  4. Antivibration Table System
  5. Ultra•nmr™ Shims System II: 
    40 channel shims and shim supply
  6. Dual Fullband RF System:
    Provides two rf channels with a frequency range of 12 - 609.5 MHz with frequency resolution of 0.1 Hz
  7. RF Attenuator Module, 3 Channel:
    Provides three 79dB rf attenuators, one for each rf channel
  8. Phase Modulator:
    Performs WALTZ 16, GARP, XY32, MLEV 16, and other modulation schemes. Provided for each rf channel.
  9. Enhanced Variable Temperature Unit, High-Stability Option, INOVA:
    Computer-controlled. 0.1° temperature control from -150°C to +200°C and 0.1° temperature stability from -4°C to +60°C. Preconditioning of laboratory air supply may be required.
  10. Universal Ethernet Kit for networked Spectrometers:
    Ethernet kit is compatible with Sun SPARCstations 4, 5, 10, and 20 computers. Includes Sun Ethernet board (Sun Part No. 1053A) and cables
  11. Waveform Generator - INOVA (3 ordered):
    60dB amplitude control in 1024 linear steps, 0.5° phase control. 50 nsec timing resolution (100 nsec minimum event time) 64 kwords RAM.
    NOTE: Order one waveform Generator per rf channel as required (e.g., if rf channels 1 and 3 require waveform generators, order a total quantity or 2)
  12. Performa X,Y,Z PFG Module, U+600MHz: 
    Includes three-channel X,Y,Z Pulsed Field Gradient Module. Provides 30 gauss/cm when utilized with Varian X,Y,Z PFG probe.
  13. Broadband Third RF Channel, 600:
    For 600 MHz system 
    Allows 15N to 31P observe and decouple functions. Includes 12-309.5 MHz rf transmitter module, one 300 W, 12-200 MHz; 150 W, 200-275 MHz broadband linear amplifier module.
  14. Deuterium Decoupling Accessory
    Combines 2H decoupling and 2H lock signals for deuterium decoupling experiments. Provides decoupler noise isolation and lock preamp protection. H/C/N/D quadruple resonance experments require a 4 RF channel system.