Reservation Protocols for Solid-State NMR Spectrometers


UI300WB, CB500WB and VNS750NB NMR Spectrometers

1. Solution NMR training and checkout is required before any user can use this instrument. Training and checkout are scheduled with Nikki Duay in Roger Adams Lab (RAL) room 146.

2. Depending on the experiments and plan of use for this spectrometer, solids NMR training may be required. Training on this spectrometer is on a per-person basis and independent use of the spectrometer is to be determined by the NMR staff.

3. Plan ahead and submit your requests in advance. The recommended lead time between when you submit your request and the time you requested is two weeks. Be aware that the actual lead time may vary, from as short as a day to as long as a month or longer.

4. Requests should be submitted to Dr. Collette Xu via one of the following at least three days prior to your requested time:

If you use email, be sure to include the following information:

  1. total amount of time requested
  2. preferred starting date and time as well as the deadline if one exists
  3. what experiments (what nuclei) you plan to run and at what temperature
  4. specify if assistance by Lab staff is required

5. Normally, requests will be handled within 24 hours on weekdays.

6. Users are not permitted to reassign any portion of his/her reserved time to another user. If you think you may finish early and another user is interested in using the remaining time, you must make prior arrangement and seek approval by Dr. Xu. If several members of a group are planning to use the time, notify Dr. Xu of that possibility when the reservation is made.

7. The online schedule will be updated daily by the end of the day. Note: This means that a reservation will be posted around 5:00 pm on the day the reservation has been confirmed.

8. If you are late for your scheduled time, you must notify Dr. Xu at least 1 hour in advance with her personal verbal or written confirmation. Otherwise, you can be only 10 minutes late before your reservation is:

  1. Deleted (for 1 day reservations only) or,
  2. You are billed for an additional 2 hours, plus the time you use the spectrometer(s).


Guidelines - Use of Solid-State NMR Spectrometers

Terms of Agreement for Solid-State NMR Users (pdf)