Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU’s)

The Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program supports active research participation by undergraduate students in any of the areas of research at Universities. These experiences give students experience in research and labs while also exposing students to a different institution. We suggest you look through the National Science Foundation NSF list first but individual institutions are listed below have contacted us directly.

NSF REU Opportunities

Johns Hopkins University-NSF Funded REU Opportunities

Boyce Thompson Institute REU

Cornell NanoScale Science and Technology Facility 2024 REU



Skills and skill development is likely going to be much more valuable than the simple accumulation of degrees. While a degree and often times a particular degree may be essential, often students can waste effort working towards a minor, or multiple majors or minors when they could be accumulating essential skills.

What Skills Do You Need?

1. Go to Career Fairs, company info sessions and alumni panels and ask what kinds of skills do you need beyond the typical skills earned in a particular major.

2. Look at industry job postings. What are the skills listed?

3. Most majors can use computer science, informatics, web development, leadership, research, and writing skills.

4.  Identify skills you can pick up within your major. Courses such as Six Sigma, Economics, technical writing, etc. can be valuable in engineering/industry.

How Do You Obtain These Skills?

College courses

Free On-line Courses

Coursera – Free On-line Courses from the World’s Best Universities

Khan Academy

MIT Open Coursewear

Symposiums, conferences, workshops, etc.

Student Groups