ESCO - An accredited Energy Service Company that provides all of the services required to design and implement a comprehensive project at the customer facility, from the initial energy audit through the long-term guarantee of project savings with an Energy Performance Contract (EPC).


To All in SCS:

The energy conservation project known as ESCO, conducted by Facilities and Services (F&S) with Schneider Electric as the project leader, is a state project involving multiple buildings on Campus and estimated to be complete by December 2020.

This project will result in much improved energy use for CLSL Building A, RAL North, and to a lesser degree RAL South, through enhanced building automation controls, hood exhaust, and air handling. This is especially important because the campus is sending more of the building operational costs down to the units.

This substantial work effort will not come without disruption to our research.

We have been told to anticipate two or more weeks of shut-down affecting 2-4 labs at a time, as well as a CLSL-A building-wide shut-down of the same length to conduct work on the exhaust fan. It will be our goal to use Campus breaks to conduct building-wide shut-downs that have the widest impact. We are being told that during these periods there still will be power, so individuals will be able to enter to monitor equipment and status.  More specific estimates and other scheduling details will be communicated as we learn more throughout the project. 

A committee has been formed to solicit input from impacted groups and assist with plans to deal with the disruptions and facilitate communication.

Although this is a Campus project, SCS Operations Manager Ken Wooldridge and his facilities team will work closely with Schneider and F&S to maximize advance notice of construction scheduling and minimize the impact on SCS researchers. They will provide general updates and, as the project moves forward, communicate directly with you and your group to schedule shutdowns expected to impact your workspace.

Coordination and communication between the contractors, F&S, SCS facilities staff, and faculty is imperative. With everyone’s cooperation we anticipate this project to be a success. 

While none of us looks forward to the construction disruptions, this ESCO project will greatly enhance our buildings and ability to conduct research moving forward. We thank you in advance for your cooperation and understanding. 



Jonathan Sweedler